BONUS: Monday, July 23rd
Tried to dig, spent two hours bailing the units.
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Overall Working Hours: 7 hours 30 minutes
Tuesday, July 24th
Constructed shelving units, moved archaeological artifacts, and took out the trash.
Hours: 9:15 am to 5:15 pm
Overall Working Hours: 8 hours
Wednesday, July 25th
Helped load early Independent bound newspapers into the car, went on a tour of the Backstage Preservation Service Center (very interesting: microfilms, metadata, digital), helped bring returned Independent bound newspapers back into Dewee's archive room, put shelves on the shelving units in the archive annex room in attic, constructed archival boxes.
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:45 pm
Overall Working Hours: 7 hours 45 minutes
Thursday, July 26th
Today, people from a construction company who volunteered their services to The Trappe Historic Society came to work at Henry's. We supervised and helped them in cleaning out the carriage house, the right side of which they repainted. They also helped construct a garden fence (the fence posts of which I, and the other interns, had previously painted).
It's just amazing to see how much the carriage house at Henry's has changed from when we started, and could barely walk into either side, to where it is now, it being accessible and organized. I'm proud and honored to have been a part of this transformation.
Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Overall Working Hours: 8 hours
Friday, July 27th
Tried to continue excavating, then during lunch got rained out (had to cover units on my own; I think I did a pretty good job whilst scrambling in the rain). We finished the day at Dewee's moving the shelves into a better position in the art room in the attic.
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Overall Working Hours: 7 hours 30 minutes
Saturday, July 28th
Opened up units to dry off, but ended up spending a lot of the morning going through and managing the paperwork for the three units. Once most of the paperwork was organized, the past intern and I profiled the western wall of EU 109, which proved difficult as a) we barely worked in the units and were not familiar with the different levels, b) the wall was moldy, and c) the levels did not have drastically different color changes. However, we were able to complete that drawing.
After lunch, I went to Henry's by myself to prepare for tours. During this time, I organized the paperwork, and inventoried the items for sale (mainly for personal use, as there was no itemized list with the prices). Two groups of people came in, not for a tour, but to buy items, so I filled the paperwork for the sales.
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Overall Working Hours: 7 hours