In January 2018, I began attending Pratt Institute for Library and Information Science. Initially, I attended because, I admit, I had not idea what field I wanted to work in and so panicking, I enrolled in library school because, hey! I love books. When I enrolled, I planned on the cataloging aspects of library work, but throughout my courses, I changed my focus to also include museum information management, archival work, and conservation of bibliographic and special collections materials. After four semesters and twelve courses, in December 2019 I graduated with a Master's in Library and Information Science (MLIS).
On this page, I highlight some of my favorite coursework, then list, with descriptions, all of the courses I participated in. Also, in order to graduate, I had to submit a final project, which you can view by clicking on the following link: E-Portfolio.
Here are downloadable versions of the coursework I am most proud of:
Also, don't forget to check out my Exhibition Proposal and E-Portfolio!
Bibliographic Research Project
Annotated Bibliography
Environment Assessment
GIS: Are Physical Books Dying?
Grant and RFP;
Final Presentation
Collection Development
All of the Courses I've Taken...
*All descriptions of the following courses were taken straight from the syllabus I received for each class.