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Pratt Institute

MLIS E-Portfolio

In order to graduate with a MLIS degree from Pratt Institute, I am required to submit an e-Portfolio. For this project, I collected a sample of the course work I have completed over the course of my studies that satisfy five student learning outcomes (SLOs). Those SLOs are: research, communication, technology, user-centered focus, and reflective practice. Not only must I have an example of each SLO represented, but I am required to also include a brief explanation justifying the projects' relevance to the chosen SLO as well as a description of the project and my role within it.


While I have a wide range of coursework completed during my four semesters and twelve classes that could be used to satisfy each SLO, I decided to focus on areas of interest that I hope to pursue in the future, whether it be in further studies or within a professional career. I am quite interested in conservation, museums, and archives, and for those reasons I decided to choose coursework that was concerned with or applicable to those fields.  

Please click on the blog posts below to view each SLO and its connected project. 

You can also view the selected projects on their own by clicking the icons.

Communication: Prometheus Omeka-S

Communication: Prometheus 

User-Centered Focus: Newspaper Clippings

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