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Master Resume


M.S. in Library and Information Science | Pratt Institute | January 2018- (expected) December 2019

Focus: Conservation, Museums, Archives

Final project: e-Portfolio

Courses taken:

Semester 1

  • Information Professions (required)

  • "Introduces the fields of librarianship and information professions. Course material covers the evolving role of libraries in society, the legal and ethical aspects of the profession and the impact of rapidly changing information environments. Also included are the principles of management, development of policies and procedures, effective communication skills, types of libraries and information centers, and organizational and staffing structures. Three hours of field observation is required."

  • Information Technology (required)

  • "This course introduces the fundamental concepts of computing and networking, with an emphasis on the role these technologies play in creating, manipulating, storing, and accessing information. Topics essential to the work done by information professionals will be highlighted: web technologies, database concepts, markup languages, data management, and design and accessibility. Students will conduct frequent hands-on activities to acquire skills that are immediately applicable to working with information technologies. The course will explore recent trends in technology within information organizations, preparing students for their roles as information professionals and providing the foundation for future technology-related coursework."

  • Knowledge Organization (required)

  • "Covers basic concepts of knowledge/information organization and subject analysis. The material includes basic principles and application of descriptive cataloging and classification, authority control and types and forms of catalogs. Also covered are the use of MARC records and meta data, strategies for user-centered cataloging and classification, principles of abstracting and indexing and the rapidly changing knowledge organization systems."

Semester 2

  • Conservation and Preservation

  • "An introduction to the preservation of library and archival materials using a comprehensive approach that includes theoretical, technical, and practical aspects of preservation. It covers the historical development of preservation in libraries and archives, including concepts of permanence and durability, ideas that support preservation of cultural material and preservation methods such as conservation treatments, preservation microfilming, digitization, and other types of reformatting. Students also examine holdings maintenance and re-housing techniques, preservation selection, conditions and needs of assessment surveys, handling and storage techniques, environmental controls and disaster planning and salvage methods."

  • Management of Archives and Special Collections

  • "This course is intended to heighten the student’s awareness of the critical link that the archivist plays in the historical research process. Students will be introduced to the theoretical and historical underpinnings of archival management and the applications of modern archival practices. Specifically, it will cover archival theory; types of archives, the role of the archivist; and the six applicable functions of the archival process."

  • Reference and Instruction (required)

  • "In libraries, archives, museums (LAM) and other environments, information is delivered digitally in both online and brick and mortar locations. LAM professionals use digital tools, multimedia software, educational technology combined with knowledge of information sources, to contribute to research and digital projects. This course prepares students for these roles through projects that use digital tools for the delivery of content. 2 This course prepares students for these roles in research and instruction through projects that use digital sources and tools for the delivery of content. The course introduces the selection and evaluation of information sources, the development of searching techniques, strategies for user-centered service, matching user needs to resources, and the provision of information services in multiple service models and literacy standards."

Semester 3

  • Museum Information Management

  • "In this course, students will learn to manage a museum's most important information source: its collection information. Students will learn the functions of collection management systems, how to catalog cultural objects by applying descriptive metadata standards and best practices, and explore the potential for creating new access points to museum collections through digital tools."

  • Conservation Lab

  • "It is essential for today’s archival professional to have a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and tools available to them to preserve the unique holdings under their management.Working in tandem with the conservator in the library’s conservation laboratory, students will handle, analyze and treat original materials gaining invaluable “hands – on” experience. This experience will develop a strong grasp of the varied treatments of paper based materials available to protect and insure that historic records survive for future generations of researchers."

  • Intro to GIS

  • "Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are tools for managing, describing, analyzing, and presenting information about the relationships between geographically referenced information. This course provides a strong foundation and overview of many of the underlying concepts in GIS as well as a practical skill set utilizing GIS software and data. Additionally, the course focuses on map design to maximize the message and impact of map output. Finally, students are introduced to spatial metadata standards and best practices for long term preservation."

Courses to be taken:

  • Rare Books and Special Collections

  • Collection Development

  • Museums and Digital Culture

Joint Bachelor's 2.1 (UK) Degree in Classical Civilizations & Archaeology| University of Glasgow | September 2013-June 2017

Courses taken:

Year 1

  • Ancient Greek 1A & 1B

  • Classical Civilizations 1A (Early Greece, From Troy to Plataea, 776-479BC) & 1B (Republican Rome, 220-19BC)

  • Archaeology 1A (The Archaeology of Scotland) & 1B (Archaeology in the Modern World)

Year 2

  • History of Art 1

  • Classical Civilizations 2A (The Civic Discourse of Classical Athens) & 2B (Imperial Rome: City and Empire 19BC-180AD)

  • Archaeology 2A (Archaeology of Europe & the Mediterranean) & 2B (Archaeology in Theory and Practice)

Year 3

  • Homer and his Readers

  • How to Lead the Good Life: Greek and Roman Ethics

  • The Roman Republic in Imperial Imagination

  • Recovery and Interpretation of Archaeological Data

  • Theory & Interpretation in Archaeology

  • Archaeological Honors Portfolio

Year 4

  • Cloth and Clothing

  • Ancient Technology

  • Trowels to Test Tubes: Archaeological Science in Action

  • Interpreting Greek Tragedy

  • Dissertation (Classics)

Behind the Scenes at the 21st Century Museum Certificate| University of Leicester via | July 2015

The Speaker's House Archaeological Field School| Ursinus College | June-July 2015

  • Assisted fellow students in excavating and updating documents for a trench.

  • Attended lectures pertaining to work methods and archaeological research.

  • Processed artifacts.

  • Learned about and reassembled ceramics.

  • Informed local visitors of the project's importance.

Work/Volunteer Experience

Head Intern| Historic Trappe| May 2019- current

  • Library/Archival

  • Weeded the collection of unnecessary, irrelevant, and duplicated materials.

  • Inventorying items within the collection in an Excel spreadsheet.

  • TBA

  • Archaeology/Museum

  • Assisted with redware photoshoot, prepping the items to be photographed and collecting relevant and interesting examples excavated during digs.

  • Oversaw the demolition of the site’s porch, ensuring the digging area was not disturbed.

  • TBA

Graduate Assistant (Reference Librarian)| Pratt Institute Brooklyn Campus Library| September 2018-May 2019, to resume in Fall 2019

  • Checked in/out books at circulation desk.

  • Re-shelved books in the main stacks and special collections.

  • Answered patrons’ questions both at the circulation and reference desks via in-person, phone, chat, and email.

  • Count used reading materials left throughout the library.

  • Retrieved special collections items per patrons’ requests.

  • Inventoried books, ensuring catalog information was correct.

  • Shelf-read books, assuring that books were in their proper Dewey order on the shelves.

  • Fulfilled Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests of books and article/journal scans for in-house and outgoing patrons.

  • Assessed a range of books for weeding/de-duping, providing reasons for withdrawal in an Excel spreadsheet.

Head Intern| Trappe Historic Society/The Speaker's House| May-August 2018

  • Archiving/Cataloging

  • Organized items stored in carriage house.

  • Updated storage of artifacts (re-bagged and re-boxed with appropriate labeling).

  • Relocated artifacts to better facility with proper storing units.

  • Resolved unorganized state of art/archaeology/archive storage facility.

  • Archaeology

  • Coordinated with the head archaeologist in preparing the excavation units.

  • Oversaw three excavation units away from the main group and the students working in them.

  • Supervised the continued excavation of the three units after field school ended/head archaeologist left.

  • Communicated with head archaeologist throughout excavation about findings.

  • Documented excavation via field notes, forms, and pictures.

  • Other

  • Delegated tasks and responsibilities to two interns.

  • Provided information on tours at two of the historic sites.

  • Maintained the three historic sites, ensuring they were presentable.

  • Participated in Historic Society board meetings.

  • Curated two exhibitions of artifacts, providing information to guests.

ARC Reviewer | Astoria Bookshop | October 2017-present

  • Read advanced readers copies of unpublished books.

  • Critiqued the ARC to be used for acquisition decisions and promoting.

Student Ambassador | University of Glasgow | September 2013- June 2017

  • Guided and advised prospective students on life and studies at the University of Glasgow via phone calls.

  • Provided United States high school guidance counselors with helpful insight on the application process for international students and provided personal experiences.

  • Created a spreadsheet to benefit students who decided to study abroad.

  • Assembled international mail and brochures.

Archaeology Volunteer| The Speaker's House | June-July 2016

  • Adapted to a different unit after one week.

  • Managed that new trench a distance from the main trench area.

  • Managed trench area and held responsibility for all documents of that trench area.

  • Trained others who worked in the trench area.

  • Documented findings from excavation.

Sitter| Various | 2015-2016

  • Dog and House Sitting for Stefanie Str. (30+ days)

  • Provided care for two medium-large dogs (pit-bull mixes).

  • Supported a dog with walking issues.

  • Administered anxiety medicine as required to the other dog that had sleeping anxiety.

  • Oversaw the house, providing security and maintenance.

  • Baby Sitting for Sarah S. (5+ days)

  • Entertained two young children (pre-school and 1st grade age) and a large dog from early morning to mid-afternoon.

  • Ensured proper vitamins and medicine were taken each morning.

  • Observed that hygiene practices were kept up and assisted when necessary (especially with the younger child).

  • Distributed breakfast, lunch, and snacks.


  • Office Suite- Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

  • Video and photograph editing software- iMovie, Movavi, Video Editor, Pixlr.

  • Web design- HTML, CSS, XML.

  • Database- Omeka-S, PastPerfect, qGIS.

  • Cataloging- MARC21, AACR2, RDA, DublinCore.

  • Writing/Research- humanities essays, scientific analyses, conservation treatment reports, literature reviews.

  • Conservation- theory, mylaring of documents, book binding, book box construction.

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