Project Title: Conservation Lab Report(s): Mylar Conservation Treatment ; Books Examination Report: Treatment Proposal and Treatment Record ; and Book Box Examination Report: Treatment Proposal and Treatment Record.
Project: Click the following to access the project: Mylar Report, Bookbinding Report, Box-making Report.
Learning Outcome Achieved: Technology
My Role: I am the sole author of this project.
Project Description: For this course, we had three assignments that involved hands-on conservation treatment and a related report form. The first assignment was based on encapsulation of paper-based materials using Mylar, and occurred over two sessions. Next was the assignment concerned with book preservation and restoration, namely where we bound new book covers; this lasted for eight sessions. Finally, the last two sessions focused on protective boxes and enclosures, specifically four-flap phase boxes. Once each hands-on session was completed, a detailed form report, which included images, was submitted.
Methods: All three assignments followed the same structure, so I will be explaining them generally. Before actual hands-on conservation treatment was performed, I was required to read up on the different techniques that would be implemented. As further explanation, the professor would demonstrate how to practically apply those techniques on different items that required conservation treatment. After, I was then allowed to execute the skills we learned about through the readings and the professor's instruction. Once the conservation treatment was completed, I was then expected to describe and reflect upon the techniques used to conserve the items and on the treatment's outcome.
Rationale: This project required me to learn and put into practice different conservation techniques on a variety of items in order to ensure their continued informational use by future users. Alongside the applied skills using various tools of treatment, I was also expected to reflect on my implementation of these skills in order to determine if I effectively executed these technological processes.
This project was taken from INFO: 634-01 Conservation Lab which I was enrolled during the Spring 2019 semester.